Wednesday, December 26, 2012

20 weeks!

Sorry I haven't posted anything on here in so long. The holidays this year have really taken their toll. I am thrilled to announce though that today I am officially 20 weeks along in my pregnancy which means we have made it to the half way point.

I have yet another doctors appointment this Friday this one is another monthly check up on the baby. In a few more weeks I will be going to the doctor every other week and then not long after that I will be going in every week until I deliver. After that I have an anatomy scan of the baby with an ultrasound tech on January 4th to get a detailed look at how the baby is developing. This is also the appointment where you will usually find out the gender of the baby.

However me being as impatient as I am I decided to drive to an elective ultrasound place and find out the sex of our baby a month ahead of time. We are having a BOY! I love knowing that in a few short months I will be a mother to a wonderful little boy and I couldn't be any happier.

At the elective ultrasound the tech also told me that I have anterior placenta which means that the placenta is in front. So it will be a while before I will really feel the baby consistently. I felt him move for the first time at exactly 18 weeks and here and there since then. I look forward to the day when my husband will be able to feel his son kick but that may not be for a few more weeks yet. I also am still feeling tired most of the time and still have random attacks of morning sickness.

Other than all that this pregnancy has been moving along just fine and I am beginning to enjoy my pregnancy more and more every day. Today being half way I have decided to officially announce our pregnancy on Facebook. Wish me luck!

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