Friday, November 2, 2012

12 weeks 2 days. Ultrasound!

We went in for our first ultrasound today! It was amazing. The baby was moving and kicking around like crazy. During this ultrasound they measured the baby to make sure he/she was growing properly. Currently the baby is growing at 12 weeks 3 days, 1 day ahead of schedule. Our due date is still going to be May 15th.

This ultrasound also included the first trimester screening. They measured the fluid at the back of the baby's neck to make sure it was less then .300 cm our baby averaged around .147 cm which is perfect. The bridge of the nose also looks completely normal. Those are all great signs that our baby does not have down syndrome but they also took more blood to check that for signs of down syndrome as well.

Oh and one more update. We scheduled our next ultrasound which is when we will find out the sex of the baby but unfortunately that appointment isn't until January 4th of this next year. So we will be starting out the new year knowing our baby's gender. Good thing all the items on our baby registry is gender neutral.

So now for the pictures!!!

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