Then comes the baby in the baby carriage...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
20 weeks!
I have yet another doctors appointment this Friday this one is another monthly check up on the baby. In a few more weeks I will be going to the doctor every other week and then not long after that I will be going in every week until I deliver. After that I have an anatomy scan of the baby with an ultrasound tech on January 4th to get a detailed look at how the baby is developing. This is also the appointment where you will usually find out the gender of the baby.
However me being as impatient as I am I decided to drive to an elective ultrasound place and find out the sex of our baby a month ahead of time. We are having a BOY! I love knowing that in a few short months I will be a mother to a wonderful little boy and I couldn't be any happier.
At the elective ultrasound the tech also told me that I have anterior placenta which means that the placenta is in front. So it will be a while before I will really feel the baby consistently. I felt him move for the first time at exactly 18 weeks and here and there since then. I look forward to the day when my husband will be able to feel his son kick but that may not be for a few more weeks yet. I also am still feeling tired most of the time and still have random attacks of morning sickness.
Other than all that this pregnancy has been moving along just fine and I am beginning to enjoy my pregnancy more and more every day. Today being half way I have decided to officially announce our pregnancy on Facebook. Wish me luck!
Friday, November 2, 2012
12 weeks 2 days. Ultrasound!
This ultrasound also included the first trimester screening. They measured the fluid at the back of the baby's neck to make sure it was less then .300 cm our baby averaged around .147 cm which is perfect. The bridge of the nose also looks completely normal. Those are all great signs that our baby does not have down syndrome but they also took more blood to check that for signs of down syndrome as well.
Oh and one more update. We scheduled our next ultrasound which is when we will find out the sex of the baby but unfortunately that appointment isn't until January 4th of this next year. So we will be starting out the new year knowing our baby's gender. Good thing all the items on our baby registry is gender neutral.®istryType=BB&cumulativeTime=-1&isAjax=false&noOfPings=1
So now for the pictures!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
11 weeks 4 days. Heartbeat!
We went to my doctors appointment early Friday morning (11 weeks 2 days) and I was so nervous and anxious about something being wrong. I am so thankful that Tony has Fridays off and was able to come with me. Anyways I started to fill out paperwork and they called me to one of the back examination rooms. I sat down and in walks our Certified Physicians Assistant Dawn. She was very nice and I instantly felt comfortable with her. She started by asking about my family medical history and some genetic questions for Tony. Finally she told me to hop up on the table so we could listen for the heartbeat.
At first the heartbeat was nowhere to be found she went back and forth on my very, very low stomach and nothing. Then she started to press a little harder and another minute later we heard it! It was a little quieter than I thought it would be but it was strong and wonderful! Then she said the baby must have moved because she lost the sound. So she moved to the other side and there it was much easier to find this time and again just a strong little heartbeat. I joked with Tony that the baby didn't really move to the other side that was another baby over there. TWINS! Maybe... We will know for sure how many babies I am taking care of next Friday during the ultrasound.
After all the wonderful sounds of our baby she left the room while I undressed and got into a hospital gown for a pap smear. I really hate those but I was way over due and anything they need to do to make sure our baby is doing ok. I also got a flu shot and I had some more blood drawn (so she can test my sugar and make sure that I am not diabetic).
Here I am going to post the video of our babies heartbeat for all of you who want to experience it too!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
10 weeks 1 day
Not much to report. Still getting sick nearly everyday. All of the books I have say that the morning sickness and nausea should go away after the first trimester. So I have about 2 to 3 more weeks.
Next Friday we go to heart the heartbeat. I am going to take videos of all of these important visits and I'll probably post them I'm my blog. I am officially through a fourth of my pregnancy and other than the morning sickness everything had been going well.
I can even start to feel where the baby is growing. Just below my stomach I can feel the hardened uterus and it is really starting to hit me that there is a little person in there. I had Tony feel too and I think that has made things more real for him as well.
Sometimes I feel like I am going through this alone. None of my friends have been pregnant and I don't think Tony knows what to say a lot of the time. I'm hoping that my mom finds some time to chat with me more. It seems I'm always the one to call her and most of the time she's busy.
Well off to have some breakfast.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
8 weeks 1 day. Doctors appointments
I am so excited for the ultrasound and heartbeat appointments. I have been feeling my pregnancy for a while now and I think these appointments will give Tony something to make everything feel a little more real to him. Once he can hear and see our baby I think he will definitely feel more involved. I am also thrilled to be going to a doctor because I need some sort of nausea medication. My morning sickness is getting worse to the point where I threw up so hard there was a little blood at the end. I'm not too worried about that though. I looked up possible causes of that on the internet and everything I could find says that once I threw up all of the acid that was in my stomach, there was nothing left to protect it so my raw stomach bled a little bit towards the end. I do know for sure that I am sick of being sick it hurts to throw up my body uses so much force that I am exhausted by the time I am done.
Anyway I have also been working on our baby registry. This is where being a nanny for several babies in the past has prepared me for what we will need. If anyone out there has any suggestions for things they think I should add to the registry here is a link.®istryType=BB&cumulativeTime=-1&isAjax=false&noOfPings=
Saturday, September 29, 2012
7 weeks 3 days... Thanks a lot Abby.
Thinking about this blog and what I write on here made me realize I talk a lot about getting sick but as of right now that is about all that is going on in this pregnancy. The doctor I saw at the clinic told me that getting sick and being nauseous was just my bodies way of dealing with the hormones and that its a good sign. Good sign or not it is the one symptom I wish would go away already.
Other than that I have a crazy work schedule this next week and I am going to try and make it to the DMV to have my license changed for the my new last name. Once that happens I found a doctor I think is going to be the one I go with (I still want to meet her first) I just need to have matching last names on my license and healthcare card and then I can start making appointments.
Right now Tony is at the baseball game and I have the bed to myself so I think I will take advantage of that and sleep right in the middle until he comes home and moves me over.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
7 weeks and 1 day
Last night I was really craving potato salad. I tried convincing my husband to run to the store and get me some however he said that if I want weird craving food I am going to have to wait until I am 5 months pregnant. His theory is that if he is going to have to go out and get food at all hours of the night he wants to wait until I am further along in my pregnancy because as of right now I can still go and get it myself. I laughed because that response was totally expected and I know if I am having cravings now I sure as heck will have them later so he will be going out.
Any way I got my card for Badgercare yesterday, but now I have to pick an HMO in my area to then pick a doctor from that HMO and once I enroll I will be able to start making appointments.
I am so loving telling people that we are expecting even though I'm still worried that we told people too soon. We haven't even made it to the 10 week mark. Tony tries to make me feel better by saying that if anything did happen we could try again. But I really don't want that to be our thought process I want to nurture and love this baby. So I am waiting to post any of this news on Facebook where a larger group of people can see it until we make it to the 10 week mark which is October 17th. I will definitely have an appointment by then.
Alright that's all for now. I will post again very soon if I am not sleeping that is...